Days 29-33: PHX, Weekend 1

Oh my goodness, I was excited to get to Phoenix!!!

Except for one desperate night in a hotel in Mammoth Lakes and two nights at a friend’s house in San Diego, I hadn’t had a break from the road and my tent since Lake Tahoe, and I was ready ready ready!

I had this notion early on (and I wrote about it) that I was supposed to “rough it” to really make the most of my journey, but with a little help from my friends, I realized that’s not what the trip is all about (I mean, what it’s all about has yet to be revealed…).  An open door, a welcoming friend, and a few creature comforts here and there help me to keep my sanity, and I’m not gonna beat myself up for appreciating the occasional “break.”

Day 29 was a day of driving en route to one such welcome break.

My friend Mindy has had her door painted red (figuratively speaking, since that’s a sign of welcoming) for weeks, and we’ve both looked forward to my visit for some time.  She asked me in advance what I wanted to do, and I told her I just wanted to feel ordinary, and on that request, she definitely delivered!  She cooked a meal for us at home the first night, I spent the day in the pool and we discovered a swanky bar with a sweet view then went to Tim & Faith concert the second night, and the rest of my first weekend in town, we hung out like everything was normal and I wasn’t on a pilgrimage at all.

We went to one of my favorite restaurants from the Midwest – Chili’s – since we don’t have one in all of Oregon; the service was terrible and the food was mediocre, but a conversation with the manager netted us $40 in gift certificates for a future visit, so we’ll give it another try someday (cuz…SALSA!!!!).  We went to the Nestle Toll House Bakery (!!!!) and got ALL sorts of frosted treats, and I almost rode a mechanical bull, but it was out of order…so I just sat on it and imagined my 2.7 second ride.  I read and wrote and laid in the pool and enjoyed sleeping in almost everyday.  We cooked (well, Mindy cooked; I observed) and talked and watched a funny movie.

It was lovely – all of it – and just what I needed.  Thanks, Min!!

5 thoughts on “Days 29-33: PHX, Weekend 1

  1. 2.7 second Bull-ride? After all that R&R by the pool, I’m sure you would have lasted 5 seconds at least! Coincidentally; this is the same duration as my Balboa Park tour 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. BTW, i’m liking your new vibe about how this journey is not all about camping, it’s way deeper than #vanlife Balance is a better goal to me, with not too much of any one thing. Well, except salsa (condiment or the dance), never too much of that!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. P.S., i wholeheartedly agree with the first comment!!! The world is better with your written words in it! 🙂


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